2011년 12월 9일 금요일

[Reading Journal] Falling From Innocence - The Body

Teenagers mature in various ways; through sophisticated books, terrible pains, sorrowful scars … Stephen King chose to show the maturing of the teenagers- the four boys- through the trip they went in a summer. Maturing of teenagers, which is one of the main themes, was present in various aspects of the story.
First of all, the journey itself meant growing up to the four boys, even though they didn’t realize in the beginning. However, after a while, they realized that this trip was more serious and challenging than they had expected in many ways, as Vern said “Maybe it shouldn’t be a good time(p.351)” Later on, Gordie reminisces the trip and the rail road they walked along as a “the rites of passage, the magic corridor where the change happens(p.402).” As they experienced many adventures and challenges along the journey, they had enough chances to grow out of their childish innocence and look back on themselves that they were matured enough to face death. Maybe the boys felt the same way during the trip because they believed the old boys didn’t deserve the body since “They had come in cars(p.410)”
Gordie was one who mature a lot throughout the trip. Gordie experienced a lot of hardships such as the leeches and Chopper, and overcame it with his own courage. I think these were opportunities which led Gordie to face his own true innerself apart from his brother and parents. Also, this journey led Gordie to self-realization. He actually thought himself parallel to Ray. I believe this was because Grodie suspected that Ray must have died in fear and feeling lost of his own identity after the accident. I think this is just how Gordie felt when his parents ignored him. However, Goride realized that he is actually different from the Brower kid- that Ray is dead and he IS alive. I think this realization meant so much to him that he believed “the most important things are the hardest things to say(p.293)”, and never told his adventure to anybody until he wrote this story.
A tree has to bloom, blossom and then shed leaves to finally bear fruits. The tree has to spend countless amount of time and after until the fruits ripe, but the fruits are delicious. I think this applies to maturing as well – it may be painful and challenging but once you get over it, the result is sweet.

댓글 2개:

  1. I hope this final exam is one of pain and challenge I have to undergo in order to make my self bloom and ripenㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
